The Beulah/University Realignment Project is an improvement project undertaken by the City of Flagstaff and Eagle Mountain Construction
Project Details
Completed Work:
Extending present-day Beulah Boulevard northward to University Avenue, with a roundabout constructed at the new intersection
Realigning University Avenue, east of the new roundabout, to match up with University Drive, east of Milton Road
The installation of fiber optic conduit, stormwater infrastructure improvements and sewer and water pipe-upsizing between Knoles Drive and Milton Road, within the Milton/University intersection and the southwest section of the Target parking lot
Surface and concrete improvements along Yale Street
Currently Under Construction:
Installing a new pedestrian underpass just north of the Milton Road/University Drive intersection (between Burger King and Target)
Surface improvements along Milton Road as highlighted in the map
Reconstructing the intersection of Milton Road and University Drive